GDM enters the InnoXport program. GENERAL DRIVER MOTOR has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs. Thanks to this project, we have launched an Action Plan with the aim of improving our positioning in foreign markets through the implementation of innovative solutions during the year 2021. For this, we have had the support of the InnoXport Program of the Chamber of Commerce of Valladolid and the Provincial Council of Valladolid. A way to make Europe.
Objectives of the InnoXport program.
It is based on personalized advice to SMEs in terms of innovation for internationalization. In our case, we direct our repair and remanufacturing services to the Central European market.
In addition, through the program, our main objective is to incorporate innovation into the internationalization process that our company is facing in the European market.
At the beginning of November of last year 2021, we started this project and so far the results have been very satisfactory.
We have been able to incorporate CRM tools into our marketing and commercial departments. We have also produced several spots for international promotion and that little by little we will be presenting you in our news section.