In a few words, today we show you the before and after of a FANUC Alpha i 400V. You can click on the images to see in more detail. In our section “In a nutshell” we want to show you how we do things and what is the end of our work.
So he entered.
This is how the equipment looked when it arrived at our facilities.
Let’s see two details of the plates.
The final result.
In the following images you can see in detail the specific areas of action in the maintenance and correction of the FANUC ALPHA i 400V equipment.
Here we see details of the boards and internal components.
And this is the final aspect of the job once all the maintenance tasks have been completed. As you can see, at GDM we provide solutions. If you need information or want to ask us about our preventive maintenance processes, get in touch with us from THIS FORM.